Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Infinitive, Present/past participles, Present/imperfect/preterit/future/conditional Indicative, Present/ Imperfect Subjunctive, & command forms.

Well classes have officially ended. From here we have some tests and some tears and that is it. I said when I left the states that I was going to learn Spanish in four months. I'm having a hard time determining my success though. Fluent as a native spanish speaker, I most definitely am not but I do spend hours as the only native english speaker some days and hardly miss a beat. But then again I go to the grocery store and feel like I did the first week I got here. Its an ambiguous line to draw, worse to determine. I have one week left before the time limit I put on myself is up so I've been trying to get in all that I could before then.

I did realize today when I looked at the verb chart in the back of my book that I at least know by heart the formula and understand it for every tense/mood it has. Some verbs I know every conjugation. Pretty big deal since when I got here I didn't know a single verb or its tense. I feel accomplished even if I still can't always understand the lyrics to my Shakira songs. Sometimes I don't understand songs in English though...

My friends.

Mikaela and Andi





Diego, Andrea (Andi) and Martin

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Brazil and Easter

Entrance into the falls

butterfly friends on the argentine side of the falls

one view from the Argentine side

Guarani kids learning to be guides for the Guarani village

They sang us songs to welcome us

We're not so different

you and i.

Kara and I are very mature... and I didn't eat the chocolate from the mini bar

if you haven't watched the video on the other blog, you need to. We acted like children and i still only got three eggs. I also would like to take credit for our awesome easter baskets (which only held three eggs) Here's some pictures of Easter.

This was our first easter basket ideas...

then I was awesome and made these.

There's Ruben! That's me in my easter dress from Brazil with Ruben, the artist at church. Also, i have real hair you will note.

These are my best friends.

Here we have the winning egg. yes, thats right, i won the egg decorating contest... it made up for my severe ineptness in egg finding.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

onward steady faithful stead! On to Brazil.

I'm pretty steady in this
it's only inadequacy since my
heart is in this
but it's my

I wrote that poem to say sorry for... well, my negligence.

Tomorrow I mount my chartered chariot and ride through the night, making my way through the southern cone up to Brazil. We'll be in Paraguay by morning. The idea almost seems romantic... but I'm sure by tomorrow night it will seem tragic.

Here's a few pictures of Peru and random occurrences in my lovely Uruguayan home to tide your appetite until the next wave of sporadic and lacking posts.

the other night (after Peru) before the ballet.

My best friend Diego's mate and thermos. I'm really going to miss those three (mate, thermos, and diego) they bought me my own mate and thermos for my birthday though. sweet

Beautiful center of Cusco

Women at night

My beautiful little big city Montevideo. An old church tucked between two high risers... its a city where I've found many things in juxtaposition, for sure.
