Well classes have officially ended. From here we have some tests and some tears and that is it. I said when I left the states that I was going to learn Spanish in four months. I'm having a hard time determining my success though. Fluent as a native spanish speaker, I most definitely am not but I do spend hours as the only native english speaker some days and hardly miss a beat. But then again I go to the grocery store and feel like I did the first week I got here. Its an ambiguous line to draw, worse to determine. I have one week left before the time limit I put on myself is up so I've been trying to get in all that I could before then.
I did realize today when I looked at the verb chart in the back of my book that I at least know by heart the formula and understand it for every tense/mood it has. Some verbs I know every conjugation. Pretty big deal since when I got here I didn't know a single verb or its tense. I feel accomplished even if I still can't always understand the lyrics to my Shakira songs. Sometimes I don't understand songs in English though...
My friends.
Mikaela and Andi
Diego, Andrea (Andi) and Martin
algun dia...
15 years ago